
The East Bay chapter of the Public Crying Coalition seeks to share and document sites and stories of public crying. An act both intimate and isolating, public crying exists at the axis of public and private, hyper visible and unnoticed, vulnerable and galvanized. We seek to map the East Bay with the psychogeography of tears and share their narratives through our walking tour and dialogue. This project is ongoing.

It’s going to be okay.

Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo is a printmaker, activist, treasure collector, tea drinker and desert lover. She is influenced by mapping, community arts, story telling and ethnicity (just to name a few). If she is not in the printmaking studio, she is probably out in the streets of the East Bay publicly crying, making zines or star gazing with her babe.

Zoë Ozma makes art about gender, plants, majik, and crushes. They cast spells, paint nails, and get tender in a bedroom with nothing underneath it. They have mostly publicly cried in Seattle but are steadily building their East Bay public crying history.

left: lukaza right: zoë

Thank you to Emji Spero, head of Documentation & Transportation Department, and to all who have shared their public crying with us.